The managing of a virtual or a dedicated server is different than that of a standard shared web hosting account, so if you need a machine of your own for web content or offline apps, you could encounter problems that you haven't faced before. All system tasks on a shared server are handled by the host company, but if you have your own hosting server, all of these tasks are something you need to deal with. If a process freezes for some reason, for example, or if the overload on the server increases tremendously, you'll have to take measures to restore the proper functioning of the machine. Doing that may be a challenge if you have not managed a hosting server before and you don't have lots of experience, so if that's the case, you might use the Managed Services upgrade which we provide. Along with other admin tasks, you shalllocate a Monitoring & Rebooting service inside the package, so our staff can keep a watchful eye on your machine 24/7 and restart it if needed.
Monitoring and Rebooting in VPS Servers
In case you include the Managed Services upgrade to any of the VPS server services which we supply and as long as it is enabled for your account, our system administrators shall monitor your server constantly. A number of automatic checks tracking different system processes shallbe added, so if any problem presents itself, our well-trained staff is going to be notified straight away and shall work on your hosting server until the problem is sorted out. If for whatever reason the virtual hosting server runs out of memory space or some process freezes, they'll examine what caused the problem and will then reboot the hosting server to restore all system processes and the proper performance of any website or offline application you have on the server. With this service you will not have to keep an eye on your VPS constantly or pay for pricey third-party services from other firms that can alert you about a problem, but can't resolve it.
Monitoring and Rebooting in Dedicated Servers
Adding the Managed Services package to your dedicated server service is as simple as clicking a button on the order page or in your billing Cp and so long as the service is enabled, our system admins will track all system processes on your hosting machine 24/7 as to make sure that everything is operating the way it has to. An automated system shall inform them as soon a problem shows up, so they can troubleshoot it to discover what caused it and will then resolve it very quickly. Frozen processes, software elements that have shut down or programs that employ too much physical memory are merely several examples of the things our skilled staff will look for and handle. A third-party monitoring firm can only tell you that there is some problem with a certain system service, but they'll lack the means to do anything about it as they won't be able to access your machine.