Tech Support Channels
A One–Hour Support Ticket Response Guarantee
We provide a 60–minute response warranty for any trouble ticket or e–mail that you submit to our technical support staff. We’ll swiftly respond to all common inquiries and forward the case to our sysadmins in case further assistance is needed. If you make use of our Managed Services package, we’ll execute any of the included server management tasks at a time that has been discussed with you in advance.
A Top–Quality Customer Service
- We’ll be online for you 24x7x365 to respond to any enquiries that you may have connected to our Web Site Control Panel or any of the apps that we have preinstalled for your convenience on the dedicated hosting server. If you also require assistance tackling server management tasks, you can resort to our Managed Services package, which includes backup hard drive space, OS updates every week, server monitoring and rebooting services, plus problem troubleshooting and software installation services.
A User–Friendly Help Area
We have equipped the Web Site Control Panel with an exhaustive knowledgebase, which offers elaborate explanations of its features and functions. What’s more, we have shot detailed video tutorials that will further instruct you how to perform a specific operation or troubleshoot a frequently experienced problem. The educational articles and the tutorial video clips are readily reachable from every section of the Web Site Control Panel via the Help and Videos buttons in the upper right corner.
Atom 2c
- Dedicated Servers
(per month)
- Intel Atom D525 1.8 GHz (2 cores) CPU
- 4 GB RAM
- 2 x 240 GB SSD
- Affordable Domains
- Full plan details
- Full plan details
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Xeon E5 2620 v3
- Dedicated Servers
(per month)
- Intel Xeon E5-2620 v3 2.40 GHz (6 Cores) CPU
- 16 GB RAM
- 2 x 240 GB SSD
- Affordable Domains
- Full plan details
- Full plan details
- Sign Up